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Museum of Pop Culture (MoPOP)

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Museum of Pop Culture (MoPOP) - Seattle, Washington
Photo by Chris Henn
Inset photos by Jim Stiles

   This extreme facade, designed by Frank O. Ghery, MoPOP Star Wars Jawa - Seattle, Washington is just as imaginative as the movie sets, art work and exhibits inside. Here at the Sci-Fi Museum (now MoPOP), located in Seattle Center, is packed with music related exhibits to science-fiction memorabilia. Conceived by Microsoft bilionaire Paul Allen, museum visitors will find a wide variety of playable video games and displays MoPOP Star Ship - Seattle, Washington from late 60s era of Jimi Hendrix to Punk Rock's Nirvana, and Star Trek series to Star Wars. Inductees J.R. Tolkien (The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings) and Steven Spielberg (Raiders of the Lost Ark) offer a sample of the current honorees at the MoPOP Bowie Expo - Seattle, Washington MoPOP Hall of Fame exhibition.
   Cycling through its fifth name change, the latest version (Museum of Pop Culture-MoPOP) signifies a shift from music-oriented exhibits to include a broader content of science fiction, fantasy and horror. Changing from the old Experience Music Project (EMP) to MoPOP is just museum's name catching up to its broaden array of exhibits. Beside large scale displays, curious museum goers manage to find that nooks and crannies are filled with artifacts of 20th century fantasy. Opening back in 2000, the nonprofit museum continues to be dedicated to the ideas and risk-taking that fuel contemporary popular culture. Founder Paul Allen hopes to provide visitors with an educational and interactive experience at the science fiction museum. Redubbed MoPOP in 2016, Allen strives to honor the brilliant and creative geniuses of our time.

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