Scenic USA - Maine

Pemaquid Point Lighthouse

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Pemaquid Point Lighthouse - Bristol, Maine
Photos by Ben Prepelka
Ben Prepelka Photography

   It would be a tough task to choose the most picturesque of all the Maine lighthouses. And while everyone has their favorites, Pemaquid Point Light has to rank among the top ten. Entertaining over 100,000 visitors a year, this lighthouse sits up on a dramatic and unforgiving granite ledge. Pemaquid Light Station - Bristol, Maine The replacement tower dates back to 1835, and was repointed and painted in 2007. The coastal rock ledge gives a 40 foot boost to the 35 foot tower, still an active navigation aid protecting mariners from the dangers at Pemaquid Point.
   The lighthouse is managed by the Friends of Pemaquid Point Lighthouse and located within the grounds of Pemaquid Point Lighthouse Park. The old light-keeper's home was converted into the Fisherman's Museum in 1972, featuring exhibits of Maine's fishing industry. The museum, taking up the ground floor in the lighthouse keeper's house, offers a vast collection photographs, captain’s logs, and historical articles on ship-wrecks, preserving the marine heritage of Bristol.
   The popular Pemaquid Point Lighthouse, a symbol of Maine, was chosen to appear on the 2003 Maine commemorative quarter.
   Nearby Colonial Pemaquid, on the Pemaquid River, saw its first European settlers in the mid 1600s. By 1670 the population rose to 200, and was part of a territory claimed by the French as well as the British Empire. Colonial Pemaquid, a National Historic Landmark, not only offers its insights on early Maine history, but wonderful views of Pemaquid Harbor, Johns Bay and the Atlantic Ocean.

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