Contributors' Links and Photo Art
Over the last twelve years many photo contributors have added many photographs and a great deal of interest to Scenic USA. Please join me in offering support and encouragement for this devoted group of photographers. As the film era has faded and the digital ages grows by leaps and bounds, one thing remains the same; these dedicated photographers are ready with cameras not far from their fingertips. You'll see they've given it their best in order to capture more unforgettable scenes. Check out their web sites and see what's new. Browse the photo art galleries, enjoy their fine work and stories behind the photos, and don't forget to share their links with family and friends.
Sites featuring Photo Art
I was first introduced to the American West while finishing my commitment to Uncle Sam, especially enjoying the area in Northern Arizona. During the next two decades I traveled throughout the West, from Southern California all the way to the San Juan Islands. Looking for a Home to sink my roots, I never forgot the beauty of Sedona.
I make my home in Sedona today, and still find that feeling of appreciation, stillness and peacefulness in Arizona's Red Rock Country that I discovered long ago. Inspired by majestic skies, red rock spires and monoliths, I hope that that peaceful feeling shows in my Photography and inspires others as well. ~ Tom Kelly Photography
Montana has always been my dream, and has now become my reality. I live under the shadows of the Anaconda-Pintler mountains, with an immense forestland and wilderness as my backyard.
I love being outdoors, from the deserts to the mountains - embracing these gifts from God. I enjoy fishing, hunting, hiking, 4-wheeling, snowmobiling, skiing, reading, or just sitting on the porch taking time to soak it all in.
I'm most ardent about taking photographs. Landscape, candid portraits, macro, and wildlife... but am happiest when out in an old corral, boot-deep in dust and manure shooting those moments in time of the working cowboy. I carry my camera with me always, combining my passion of photographical story-telling and love of the wilderness ... the place I called home.
Come and see what takes my breath away ~ Paula Krugerud Photography
I fell in love with photography when I got my first camera as a child and again when I took courses in black and white photography in college. My final love affair with the art of photography happened when I discovered digital photography. My goal is to capture as many wonderful places, people and beautiful moments as I can and share them with the world.
I live in north county San Diego, California, I'm a major contributor to and a published salon photographer. ~ Julianne Bradford Photography
From his home in Philadelphia, Christopher Muller's historic railroad photography has him covering America from coast-to-coast. As a
lifelong railroad enthusiast and Internet entrepreneur since the age
of 13, Muller has consulted with over 200 firms in the rail and
travel industries. His works advocating rail development and
preservation have been cited in dozens of books and periodicals.
Muller's photography is available on his website,,
from which he donates a portion of all sales to railroad preservation efforts. ~ Christopher Muller Railroad Photography
Retired from the insurance industry, I'm now a full fledged nature photography addict. My wife, Helen and I travel fairly extensively, visiting National Wildlife Refuges, National Parks, National Forests, Conservation Areas, Wilderness Areas and just about any other place that has natural beauty and wildlife.
Joseph Wood Krutch, and American Author and Naturalist, wrote: The wilderness and the idea of wilderness is one of the permanent homes of the human spirit. This quote serves as a great summary of how I feel about visiting and photographing wild places. ~ Tom Blandford Photography
Contributors and Links
Alexa Goldman
Barbie Marland
Betsy Kellenberger
Bill Hilborn
Bob Goldman
Brad Troy
Chris Henn
Christina Mathiesen
Chuck Biddinger
Cody Calin
Craig Shelley
Dave Schaaf
Donna Langley
Dr. Alan R. Peslak
Eric Rosen
Gary O'Toole
Ginny West
Herschel Tucker
Holly Patrick
Irv Cobb
Jim McGehee
Jim Poston
John Mueller
John Patrick
Keith Kapple
Kenneth C. Brown
Ken Reece
Kevin Kreiman
Laban West
Lou Kellenberger
Luther McPherson
Marilyn Porter
Meri Cheatham
Merrill Miller
Mike Franklin
Mike Matenkosky
Nick Havrilla
Peggy Price
Rick George
Robert O'Connell
Roger Gillette
Rodney Walker
Ron Lutz
Ron McEwan
Sabrina Ryan
Sam Prepelka
Sierra Reece
Sharon Brockschmidt
Stacy Ginsberg
Sue Bodziach
Terri Prepelka
Terry Ragsdale
Theresa Kisha
Tim Smolinski
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