Photos by Ben Prepelka Ben Prepelka Photography |
The first few telltale signs of spring in Orangeburg are found in the Edisto Memorial Gardens. Even before the trees begin to show their leaves, the azalea, camellia, dogwood, crabapple, wisteria and Japanese Yoshino cherry trees are decked out in a colorful show of delicate blossoms. Within a month, the gardens' signature rose displays will start to bloom, entertaining over a half million visitors every year. During the Festival of Roses, beginning on the first weekend in May, the gardens feature over 4000 rose plants and represent 75 varieties. With a united effort between the City of Orangeburg and the South Carolina Rose Society and Garden Club, visitors will find one of the largest rose collections in the South. Some of the garden displays are covered in beds of Noisette roses,
the only rose that can trace its origin to the western world.
Developed in the 1920s, a small five acre park featured azalea plantings and a playground. Today's garden park covers 175 acres and honors war veterans of America's major wars. Various pieces of sculpture are placed throughout the park, with a simple state tree (Sabal Palmetto) sculpture placed in the center of the Centennial Park fountain. Now expanded to include a boardwalk along the Edisto River, the garden park is free to all visitors and is open from dawn until dusk.
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