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Hayden Valley

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Yellowstone River and Hayden Valley - Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming
Photo provided by Jim Hug
Jim's Yellowstone Blog
Inset photos by Tom Blanford

   Just mention the word Yellowstone and Old Faithful quickly comes to mind; a timely 200 foot geyser known throughout the world. Along with thousands of extraordinary Bison Cow and Calf - Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming geysers, fumaroles and hot springs, the immense Yellowstone National Park is whole lot more. America's first National Park is made up of majestic mountains, four large lakes, abundant traffic-stopping wildlife, five major rivers and heart-stopping views in all directions.
   Pictured here is the beautiful Hayden Valley as the Yellowstone River flows northward from Yellowstone Lake. The river slowly weaves through lush valley meadows and a lodgepole pine forest before it reaches the falls and canyon areas. Further to the north, from Artist's Point, the Lower Falls (twice the size of Niagara Falls) is dwarfed from a distant viewpoint. Ahead, past the falls area, the river has cut an impressive 1500 foot deep swath, known as the Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone.
   Aside from all this scenic beauty, the Yellowstone River's big draw is its trout population. Other than the lake to canyon road, Pronghorn Doe - Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming access to the Yellowstone River is difficult. Here, the fish never need to be restocked and native trout are the prime enticement. Fly fishermen enjoy catches of rainbows, browns, brook and Yellowstone cutthroats. Hayden Valley is also a wildlife paradise and the place for the largest rut of free roaming bison in the world. There are a number or roadside pullouts along the valley, where it's possible to spot wolf packs, pronghorn, elk, grizzly bear, badgers and a wide variety of waterfowl. Most of these animals are active at dawn and dusk, and Hayden Valley is one of the best places in Yellowstone National Park to enjoy seeing these creatures.

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