Scenic USA - Washington

Spokane Riverfront Park

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Spokane Riverfront Park - Washington
Photos by Ben Prepelka
Ben Prepelka Photography

   Located in the heart of town, Spokane’s beautiful Riverfront Park only gets better with views of the Spokane River and upper and lower Spokane Falls. Looff Carrousel - Spokane Riverfront Park The city’s initial growth was spurred on by the arrival of the Great Northern Railroad in the late 19th Century. Today, the only remnant of the great railway in Riverfront Park is the clock tower of Great Northern Railroad Depot. Making way for America's Expo ’74 (1974 World’s Fair), the depot was torn down and train tracks were uprooted. The Great Northern Railroad stone clock tower, a beautiful reminder of yesteryear, is centered on Havermale Island. The 155 foot tower, wound by hand once a week, can be seen from most any location in the park.
   The park, one of Spokane’s main highlights, is accented by sweeping pathways, pedestrian bridges, mass Big Red Wagon flower plantings and beautiful floral hanging baskets. More of the park’s features include the antique Looff Carousel, a fountain centerpiece, Spokane Sculpture Walk, a huge red wagon and the awesome power of Spokane Falls. Another way to enjoy the park wiskes passengers around on the SkyRide. This 15 minute ride aboard a purple cable car takes visitors out over city hall, the historic Monroe Street Bridge and Huntington Park Natural Area. For those afraid of heights, old fashioned foot power is the best way to take in this picturesque park.

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